Our Story...
Jodi Criser

Jodi graduated from Frostburg State University in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. Her college years were interesting training grounds as she was able to experience many unique experiences including being a Fraisure-Singleton intern with the West Virginia State Legislature. After working in management for several years, she opened Peace Of Me in September of 2011 and has been loving every minute of it!
Jodi completed her Reiki Master training on October 16, 2010, after a year and a half of study. She loves using Reiki on animals, whom absolutely love the feel of Reiki flowing to them. She also uses Reiki in business atmospheres, providing treatments to employees feeling stressed under the pressure of job demands. After learning of positive results from a holistic program at the Fort Bliss Restoration & Resilience Center offering Reiki, she started offering gratis treatments for current and veteran military members. Sharing the things that have helped her heal and find peace has been more fulfilling than she dreamed possible.
Jodi successfully completed Basic and Advanced DNA certification in Theta Healing, as well as the Manifesting and Abundance course during the winter and spring of 2013. Theta Healing is a holistic healing technique using quantum physics to access healing energy vibrations, which allows us to resolve negative beliefs as if we were peeling away layers of an onion to reach its core.
In November of 2015, she found her niche in the creative arts with a new endeavor, hOMॐ. hOMॐ crystal and gemstone jewelry line are unique designs using numerology, attuned to Reiki energy, and created with specific intent of healing, love, peace, and joy.
Jodi is available for Theta Healing and Reiki treatments in person or by distance healing via Skype! Check out what Jodi's clients are saying on the Testimonials page!