Anxiety Is A Liar
I know sometimes it feels like a never ending battle, an ongoing war inside yourself. Don't worry, there comes a truce. That doesn't

Tucson Gem Show!
This year's Tucson Gems shows have now come and pass. I've heard about these epic crystalline showcases for years, and have drooled at...

Let's Get Our Reiki On!
I've been in Arizona for two weeks now! I can't believe how quickly time is flying by, and how much high speed data I've been eating up...

Reclaiming Your Power Meditation
This is a three part meditation used to calm the mind, release negative energy from limiting beliefs, traumatic events, or toxic people,...

Yes, there is an Arizona!
I've been going through some monumental transitions of recent, and I'm so excited for what is coming up next on my journey. All of my...

Five Years of Evolution and Renewal
I'm still riding high on the joy of yesterday's Five Year Open House at Peace Of Me. In reflection, the transformation of this little...
Chakra Healing with pendulums, crystals, Reiki, and intention.
Chakras are the main energy centers of the body. They are responsible for maintaining and regulating the flow throughout our energetic...
Shielding and Violet Flame visualization
Learning to do shielding, pulling in universal and earth energies, as well as invoking violet flame can sound complicated, but this quick...
STOP! Revisited...
A couple of years ago I wrote a blog titled, Negative Emotions, STOP! which explains the reasoning why we can get trapped in unwanted...

The Holiday Greeting Conundrum
Merry Christmas! Blessed Yule? Happy Holidays?! It's the holiday greeting conundrum. One thing is for sure, we're not going to change...