The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word “wheel”, and the chakra concept is featured in tantric and yogic traditions, in Hinduism, and Buddhism.
Chakras are not found in the physical body. We cannot cut someone open and find your chakras; however, these energy centers can be detected. I check chakras before and after a Reiki session with my pendulum. There is no consensus on the total number of chakras that we have, but most people focus on the 7 main chakras, starting at the base of the spine and continuing up the torso to the top of the head. These vortices of energy collaborate with the body through the endocrine and nervous systems. Each of the seven chakras is associated with glands and specific group of nerves called a plexus'. This means each chakra is linked to particular parts and functions within the body.
The Root Chakra

The Root chakra, also known as the Muldhara in Sanskrit, is located at the base of the spine. It is the first chakra and is the color red. The root chakra is associated with survival, our being present physically and feeling comfortable in all situations presented to us. It represents our foundation, and directly relates to our feelings of being grounded and secure. People with healthy root chakras live in the present moment. Other attributes include security, safety, patience, being physically strong and career or financial success. Emotional issues associated with lack of money, food, or shelter often cause fearful or nervous tendencies and this can be a sign of an under-active root chakra. Many people with under-active root chakras may also feel unwelcome in many places. Signs of an overactive chakra include greed, materialism, obsession with security, and resistance to change. Common manifestations in the physical body related to the root chakra are weight problems, tailbone and hemorrhoid issues, degenerative arthritis, knee troubles, sciatica, intestinal disorders such as constipation or diarrhea, anemia, frequent colds, depression, fatigue, lower back pain, and cold hands and feet.
To balance the root chakra, practice grounding meditations by imagining your tailbone attaching itself to the core of the earth and soaking up its energy. It is also vital to get plenty of quality rest and sleep, to garden or walk, (with bare feet if possible) paying close attention to your connection with the earth. You could also drum or hug a tree! The sense of smell is a root chakra sense so practice smelling the world around you. You can also use an affirmation, such as “I am strong, safe, and grounded.” Vegetables from the ground (carrots, beets, potatoes), hot spices like red cayenne peppers, and apples are also good for the root chakra.
Stones and crystals like garnet, tourmaline, obsidian, ruby, red jasper, red or black onyx, pyrite, smoky quartz, hematite, and bloodstone are excellent for opening and balancing the root chakra. Please make sure your crystal is cleansed and charged before using! If you like incense, use cedar, and for those who use essential oils, patchouli and sandalwood are excellent options!
Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra, or the Svadisthana, is orange in color, and located approximately 2 inches below the navel. The sacral chakra relates to our feelings, and represents our capacity to accept change, feel creative, as well as our ability to be comfortable with our sexuality. People with healthy sacral chakras allow feelings to flow freely, expressing themselves without being under or over emotional. They live passionately, and are open to intimacy, having no problems with their sexuality. Other attributes include creativity, adaptability, and emotional release.
Emotional issues that will affect our sacral chakra include our sense of well-being, pleasure, and abundance. People who are not comfortable being open around others and feel the need to constantly wear a poker face often have an under-active sacral chakra. Those with an over-active chakra tend to become emotionally attached to people, are constantly emotional, and are very sexual. Dysfunction in the sacral chakra can manifest as lower back pain or stiffness, circulatory system problems, urinary and bladder infections, eating disorders, alcohol and other substance abuse problems, Depression is a common expressions of sacral dis-ease. Women may experience menstrual issues, and men can manifest prostate problems, both affecting reproduction.
There are a number of different ways that you can open or balance your sacral chakra. Taste is the sense of the sacral chakra so savor your foods, enjoying their flavor without rushing. Oranges, cantaloupe, and any type of nut will nourish this chakra. Eat with your hands when possible! Other pleasures that will balance the sacral chakra include hoola hooping, relaxing in a long aromatic bath (using essential oils such as jasmine, orange blossom, and neruli), and dancing like no one is watching. Sometimes I do this in the car while traveling, doing the butt jig to some of my favorite music!
Stones and crystals that assist in healing the sacral chakra include coral, carnelian, moonstone, amber, chalcedony, and sunstone, mookaite, and other stones in the jasper family. Orris root, gardenia, and damiana are excellent incense for the sacral chakra. The important thing to remember is to shake things up by trying all your options!
Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus, or Manipura in Sanskrit, is golden yellow in color, and located in the upper abdomen. The solar plexus chakra relates to our confidence and assertiveness, especially when dealing with others in group situations. When the power chakra is open, you feel in control and have ample self-esteem. An under-active power chakra will result in indecisiveness, causing you to feel timid, and keeping you passive in action. Conversely, an over-active chakra is indicated through aggression. Bullies are a perfect example!
Emotional issues that impact the solar plexus include our self-confidence and esteem. Worthiness is a problem that almost everyone struggles with at some point in their lives. Primary characteristics of a healthy solar plexus are confidence, mental agility, and the ability to lead effectively. Dis-ease correlating with this chakra manifests as chronic fatigue, poor memory, colitis, parasites, diabetes, hypoglycemia, ulcers and other ailments of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder.
There are a number of different remedies that can be used to open and balance the solar plexus. Affirm yourself by saying, “I can do it!” Explore mind puzzles, perform in public or do something else that normally frightens you. Laugh. Read mentally stimulating books, lay out in the sun, or complete a liver cleanse or detoxification.
If you like stones and crystals, tiger’s eye, ametrine, citrine, topaz, amber, and rutilated quartz are excellent for your power chakra. Incense that aids the health of this chakra are dragon's blood, sandalwood, saffron, cinnamon, and ginger. Essential oils include lemon, peppermint, and fennel. A simple meditation can be performed by taking a few minutes of silence, allowing yourself to breathe deeply and focus your attention on the solar plexus region. Imagine the solar plexus is a radiant golden yellow. Sit in the warmth and comfort of this brilliant golden energy. Notice any thoughts or feelings that arise without judgment. If your mind's eye spots any dark or dullness in this chakra, imagine you have a golden paint brush and use it to restore the light to its magnificence.
Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is green in color and is located at the center of our chest. The heart chakra represents love in all of its many forms throughout the entire span of our lifetime(s), as well as the kindness and affection that we give and receive. When this chakra is open, we live with compassion and harmony. An under-active heart chakra leaves us feeling cold and distant, while an over-active chakra tends to smother others or is based on selfish needs.
Emotional attributes include love, joy, inner peace, and calmness. Ailments that manifest due to an inactive heart chakra include heart or lung disease, allergies, breathing issues like asthma or sleep apnea, chest pain, pneumonia, hypertension, circulatory or immune system disorders, and upper back pain. Imbalances over time can lead to heart and breast cancer.
To open and balance the heart chakra you can use the affirmation, “I am pure unconditional love.” Hug yourself. Practice gratitude. Love and support the child within. Do volunteer work that has meaning for you. Smile and say hello to strangers, and always express your love for others. By sincerely opening your heart to everything you experience without judgment or condemnation, healing can occur.
If you like stones and crystals, emerald, jade, peridot, rose quartz, aventurine, malachite, kunzite, unakite, and moldavite are excellent for the heart chakra. Incense that aids the health of this chakra includes yarrow, jasmine, lavender, orris root, and marjoram. Essential oils are eucalyptus and rose.
Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, or Visuddha, is blue in color and located in the center of the throat. The throat chakra symbolizes expression and communication. When the throat chakra is open, expression comes easily and naturally. An under-active chakra causes shyness, leaving us unable to speak our truth, and causes a blockage in the chakra. In contrast, someone with an over-active chakra might talk way too much, often in a domineering fashion.
Emotional attributes affecting the throat chakra include self-expression of our personal truths, feelings, needs, and wants. When we are able to express our deepest truths and create from our soul, we allow ourselves to live in our dharma, experiencing unlimited abundance. Ailments that can manifest in the physical body due to issues in the throat chakra include sore throat, mouth problems, stiff neck and shoulders, swollen glands, and thyroid dysfunction.
To open and balance the throat chakra, tell someone a secret you've been keeping, set your boundaries and practice saying “no”, keep a journal, sing, scream, or laugh. Use your voice to speak your deepest truth. Eat fruits, and drink juices. If you are having difficulties with any of the above, use the affirmation, “I express my truth.”
Various stones and crystals work wonderfully to help clear up negative, toxic, unhealthy or otherwise stagnant energy. Aquamarine, jade, turquoise, green tourmaline or aventurine, kunzite and can be cleansed and charged for use in meditation or to carry with you throughout your day. Burn frankincense or benzion incense, and use essential oils like ylang ylang or gardenia.
Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye, or Anja in Sanskrit, is indigo in color, and is located on the brow line, between the eyes. The third eye chakra is all about insight. When it is open, your intuition is on spot. You may have tendencies to fantasize, which is great; however, staying in a fantasy land too long will cause the chakra to become over-active. Rigid thinking will cause you to rely primarily on beliefs, rather than trusting your intuition, causing the brow chakra to become under-active. This eventually leads to difficulties in thinking for yourself, and causes one to become easily confused. In rare and extreme cases of dysfunction in the brow chakra, hallucinations may occur.
Emotional attributes of the brow chakra include intuition, wisdom, imagination, and the ability to make decisions. Conditions that manifest in the physical body due to dis-ease in this energy center include reoccurring headaches or migraines, blurry vision or blindness, nightmares, sleeping disorders, depression, neurological disorders, eye problems, and depression.
To open and balance the brow chakra, start following your intuition, meditate, make a vision board, and make a dream journal to analyze your dream. Affirm yourself by using the mantra, “I am intuitive.” or “I think positive thoughts about myself and everyone.”
Various crystals to use to enhance your intuitive third eye include amethyst, selenite, star ulexis, lapis lazuli, and amazonite. Burn juniper or sandalwood incense, and use essential oils like frankincense, grapefruit, petit grain or chamomile.
Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, is violet or white in color, and is located at the top of the head. It correlates with the pituitary gland, central nervous system, and cerebral cortex. The crown is all about wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment. It represents our ability to be fully connected spiritual beings. When this chakra is open, you experience awareness of your world, with a lack of judgment or prejudice. Under-active chakras can leave a person rigid in their thinking, not allowing them to be spiritually aware. On the other hand, if we ignore our bodily needs in an addiction to spirituality, the chakra becomes over-active. At this point, over-intellectualizing can become a commonality.
Emotional attributes include experiencing pure bliss, seeing and appreciating inner and outer beauty, grace, and total experiential spiritual connection. Imbalances can manifest as boredom, confusion, apathy, an inability to learn, alienation, depression, and over time can lead to physical and mental ailments, headaches, mental illness, nervous system disorders, and pituitary problems.
To open and balance the crown chakra pray, meditate, sit in silence, keep a dream journal, put a clear quartz in your water bottle to purify it, get outside and breath fresh clean air and soak up the sunshine. More importantly, see yourself in every person you meet and find commonality with others. If you like stones and crystals use amethyst, clear quartz, or herkimer diamond in your meditations or carry them with you throughout the day. Burn lotus incense, or use lavender, frankincense and myrrh, or violet essential oil. A common positive affirmation you can use is, “I am one with the Universe/God/etc.”