Quantum Physics describes the universe as energy, with energy and matter interchangeable. Psychology, Eastern therapy, and Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) all have terms for life as energy. The aura can be viewed as an energy field surrounding the body, interacting through spiritual and psychological levels through the chakras. In other words the aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body, and is visible to those of psychic sight. Layers of it can be captured using Kirlian photography. You can say that human consciousness is manifested in the seven layers that is the aura. The seven main chakras can be detected energetically within the physical body, and also exist in the seven layers, or energy bodies, that combine to create the aura.
The seven subtle bodies, or layers of the aura, surround the physical body. The speed and vibration level of the energy is increased with each level. Physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual health effect their color, and expand or contract their size. As you move inward through the layers, the one(s) before are also present within the next aura layer. For example, the outer most body is the Causal. The next layer in is the Celestial body, which contains itself and the Causal body.
As you go inward, towards the first layer (the Etheric) it will be the densest because it holds all seven subtle bodies. The physical body is the densest of them all. There are three physical plane bodies, three spiritual plane bodies and the astral body, which is the bridge between the lower and higher bodies. The lower three bodies process energies dealing with the physical plane, whereas the upper three process energies from the spiritual planes. It is said that the energies from the higher planes must pass through the the heart chakra to reach and be of full use by the lower bodies.
The first layer, or the Etheric Body, is energy closest to the physical body. It holds information about physical health, and is connected to the root chakra. The Etheric is the matrix upon which the body tissue is formed. Consciousness is expressed in terms of sensations like physical pleasure or pain, a healer or intuitive "reading" this field may feel physical pain or sensations of pleasure.Kirlian photography images capture this part of our aura. Many of our dreams can be found in the etheric body. Mantras and symbols, such as Reiki symbols, can affect the function of this part of the aura. It is described in Chinese medicine as meridians that transmit chi (ki, mana, prana) throughout the body.
The etheric body extends one quarter to two inches beyond the physical body and pulsates at about 15-20 cycles per minute. The entire body, including organs, can be perceived but it is made of a bluish (emotional) or gray light (highly active).
The Emotional Body, or second layer, is connected to the sacral chakra. Since this is the emotional body, it reflects the emotions and feelings we carry. It is more fluid in nature, and does not duplicate the physical body, as the etheric body does. If we do not learn to handle different emotions during the day, they become suppressed and stored in the emotional body, which causes blockages and disturbances. The emotional body is connected to our past, which can cause problems as expectations from hopes and desires from the past can interweave throughout the field, causing stress in the present moment.
This body is about one to three inches from the physical body. This body contains all the colors in the rainbow, and similar to colored clouds that change color depending on what kind of emotions the person is going through. Love, joy, excitement, and even anger will result in very brilliant hues, whereas negative feelings and emotional blocks will result in muddy tones. Problems in this layer will have negative effects in the first and third layers over time if not addressed and healed.

The third layer, also known as the Mental Body, is connected to the Solar Plexus chakra. With an even more subtle composition, the mental body holds our thoughts, ideas, and mental processes. It's function is teach us self knowledge, and reflects our conscious mind, logic, intellect, and active thinking. Mental health is reflected in this level.
The Mental Body extends three to eight inches from the body, and is generally associated with bright shades of yellow that radiate around the head, shoulders, and then down the body. This yellow will brighten if a person is deep in thought, or concentrating on mental activities. Although the color associated with this body is yellow, other colors are evident if there is an emotion associated with the thought (stemming from the emotional body).
The Astral Body, or fourth layer, is the true bridge to the spiritual plane, which some call the astral world. The Astral body is connected to unconditional love, and is connected to the Heart chakra. When we start to work with this plane, and above, our perception and abilities leap from the physical to the subtle. Here we will begin to perceive energies that are not of this vibrational frequency. The astral plane is also an "emotional" plane, which ties it strongly to the second subtle body (the Emotional body). Because it is so closely tied to the emotions, when people fall in love, great hues of pink can be seen shooting from their heart chakra.
The Astral body is composed of gorgeous clouds of color, which extends about one foot from the body. Not only does it have the same colors of the rainbow like the emotional body, but a pink, or rose hue is often present with these colors, especially if the person is a loving one.
The Etheric Template Body is the fifth layer, and is connected to the throat chakra. It identifies with our memory and thought process. All memories, including those forgotten or supresesed, are mirrored here. The Etheric template body also stores all present and possible future possibilities; therefore, it is the template for the etheric body. This is the template that exists before the physical body is formed, and contains all the forms of the physical world.
The Etheric template body co-exists in a different dimension, but in our physical reality, it extends one and a half to two feet from the body. This is an important layer in healing if the lower etheric body becomes disfigured as this is the true building block to the lower etheric. This template has a dark blue hue to it.
The Celestial body is the sixth layer, and the emotional level of the spiritual plane. It is connected to the Third Eye chakra. It mirrors the subconscious mind that is part of the inactive part of our brain. By honoring to your intuition, you can make your journey through life more simple and rewarding. Consciousness expresses itself as higher feelings like universal love, and love tha goes beyond humand beings into a universal love for all life. Since this level is connected to the spiritual realm, communication with those in the spiritual realm takes place here. This is the spiritual emotional plane where a person will feel things such as bliss, and spiritual ecstasy.
When we reach the place of divine love and interconnectedness we are touching on this plane, which is felt through our Celestial body. When we raise our level of awareness, or consciousness, to the sixth level of the aura, we have allowed a connection to happen from the heart chakra and the crown chakra. Through this, we can love all beings, and do so with divine love. The colors of this body appear opalescent bright and shimmering light in pastel colors.

The Seventh Layer, the Causal Body, and also sometimes called the Ketheric Template, is connected to the Crown Chakra. This is the mental level of the spiritual plane. It reflects all events that your soul has experienced. The Causal/Soul Body is named "Causal" because it is the originating source of each personality that incarnates in each lifetime. This is where the soul communicates with the conscious mind via the subconscious in the mental body, and creative impulse begins. Consciousness is expressed in higher concepts of knowing or belief systems as we call it in Theta Healing. It is the source of your personality, causing it to be and exist.
The energies in the Causal body spins with a very high frequency, and contains all the other bodies within it. Extending up to three and a half feet from the body, it is often in the shape of an egg. Its structure is made of a gold, or silvery-gold. It pulsates and vibrates at a very high speed and within this level; we "know" we are one with God. This body also contains the main Kundalini force that runs up and down the body.
I consider the Soul akin to the Causal Body because it is the apex of personal consciousness, free of egoic limitations, and knowing of Creator's perspective. When your personality ends, the essence of you is absorbed back into the Causal Body, which exists for infinite years, journeying with you throughout many lifetimes.