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Yes, there is an Arizona!

Cataline Foothills

I've been going through some monumental transitions of recent, and I'm so excited for what is coming up next on my journey. All of my adult life I've felt this pull to the great southwest, and I finally decided to take that leap of faith. Much like when I opened the shop in Maryland, there was no guaranteed outcome. I just knew that I had to jump off that proverbial cliff and trust that my wings would carry me safely to whatever laid ahead of me. I took that great jump to Arizona in the middle of January, and even though it's only been a week, I have no regrets. I find myself asking why I didn't come here sooner, but as you all know, everything happens in its own timing- not a minute sooner, and not a moment too late. So here I am, and I've been fully enjoying the rugged beauty of the landscape.

Ramero Canyone Trail

How did I finally decide to come here? Prayer and faith. This past summer I felt like I was spinning wheels, no real progression with life in the meaningful ways that I desired. Yes, I absolutely adored having the healing center in Cumberland. I cherish the people who came in to the shop, and clients I've been working with the last seven years there. I loved focusing on the business aspect of life, but knew that there was so much more for me to do... so much more for me to experience in my personal life as well. This nagging intuition that I was suppose to be in Arizona kept eating at me, telling me that if I didn't take the opportunity (soon) that had presented itself for the last several years, it would cease to exist. The door would close. Was I ready to deal with the regret of that happening? One day while I was out in nature, I said the most earnest prayer I had given in years, "Creator, show me what it is I need to know. Show me what it is I need to do, and when you give me this sign, make sure you do it in such a way that my ego has no chance to question its meaning because we both know you have to hit me over the head with a shovel sometimes." The very next day, I found this in my mail, a direct reference to Arizona.

Answer to my prayers, direct reference to AZ

What happens now that I've taken this enormous jump off of my sturdy Appalachian mountains? I'm not exactly sure, but I do know that I'm ready for it! I will continue to do Reiki and Theta Healing with clients (I'll be posting more about that soon!). The Peace of Me website will remain. I will be more active with an online presence not only for this website, but also with launching into some podcasting and other adventurous projects with my love, Cesar Plaza, aka, Lightning Wolf.

Lightning Wolf and I have been friends for 13 years. He personifies the awakened man I've been asking Creator for in years of prayer. A shaman in his own right, he works with Spirit, is an artist, and has a compassionate heart for all beings on this planet. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to work with him in so many ways. We've got our Facebook page, Sacred Synergy, set up and this week I made a Youtube channel for us to post videos to! We're going to be checking out the Tuscon gem shows starting next week, and will be posting some of the lovelies that we find for sale on this website and across our social media outlets. So here's to the transition, the new, the exciting, and even the scary (because we all know that going out into the unknown can be quite intimidating). I'm grateful I'm here to participate in it all!

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Until next time... Be Blessed! <3

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