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Five Years of Evolution and Renewal

I'm still riding high on the joy of yesterday's Five Year Open House at Peace Of Me. In reflection, the transformation of this little shop that was started on nothing more than an unemployment check has evolved into something I would've never imagined five years ago. The partnerships that have been created, friendships that have blossomed, and the releasing to the flame that which needed to be let go of has been an awesome experience. If it weren't for some very kind people, Peace Of Me would not be what it is today. The vision that we've carried and held present for years are manifesting, and creating ripples throughout the community. An unknown word like Reiki is becoming trend. Teachers and students have carried forth in their education and service, and several Reiki centers can be found throughout our town and have extended into other states now! Each contributing something similar yet artistically different, and serving those they can. We meet more people in neighboring counties, states, and throughout the world who show there is no reason to give up faith in humanity as many fear based ideologies declare. It is through connection and service we realize we are not as alone in knowing there is far more good in the world than what some may want us to think or even believe possible themselves. One of my favorites mantras since my time spent volunteering at our local animal shelter several years ago to assist incorporating the No Kill philosophy is "In the end, love wins." And indeed, it always has!

I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and honor the growth and people who are a piece of Peace Of Me. There are so many people that I'm sending love and gratitude to that I can write a book :) I hope you all know I or Peace Of Me wouldn't be what we are without that piece of you! When we first opened, as I said, I had nothing more than an unemployment check, and my friend Christa Lemons to jump into the business realm. She and her husband Larry are my Reiki teachers! The building owner of our first location on North Centre Street, Mrs, Giarritta, was a God send! She was always very supportive. When originally expressing fear I had about jumping into the Cumberland business world, they quickly vanished. So it was official, Christa brought in her weaving loom, and I my Reiki table, and we said hello to Cumberland!

After several months, Christa moved out of the area and the "new age" shop scene in Cumberland was about to go on a whirlwind of shift. Many locals, and I'm sure many people even outside our area are familiar with Sandra Robinson, and her shop Virgo Rising. An inspiration to many, including myself, Sandy ran the helm of the best rock shop anywhere around Cumberland. She had crystals, incense, herbs, cards, books, statues, malas, ritual items, and other spiritually minded products to go along with her incredible gift of sight and wisdom. It felt so good to be there, and she is an incredible teacher! I remember the day she called me and told me she was retiring her shop and moving to be closer to her family. I selfishly knew I would miss her being close by, but I was excited for her to be with loved ones. The vision of peace that Sandy had created and loved as Virgo Rising was moved into Peace Of Me, and the retail side of our shop began. I'm eternally grateful for that new opportunity that was given to me.

A year and a half ago, we moved our location to the Knippenburg Insurance building on North Mechanic Street, and Lindsay Getson came in to offer her skills in reflexology and herbal knowledge. Recently, Lucy Rue has joined to create a triad of eclectic experience. Lucy's knowledge in astrology and natal charts, as well as her artistic flair for business has been another breath of fresh air.

Yesterday, several of our local commissioned artists joined us to show their line of products because we support small businesses, and it's important for businesses to support each other!

There is something special in showing customers visiting from in and out of town natural soaps and salves that have been hand crafted from start to finish in the complete care of its Creator, Heather of Wynter's Haven. From the planting of the seeds, to the harvesting of her

non-genetically modified organic herbs, all the way through to the final product. You can see the passion in the quality of the product!

We don't have to tell our children that they are destined to work some menial job because they can't make a living incorporating recycling programs that improve the environment and awareness of their community or follow their passion in hooping. If Desiree was held down by such limiting beliefs we'd never have Vital Eco-Solutions or Aureole Hoops! These artists are actively out in our community at events like the Farmer's Market or on the beaches of Rocky Gap teaching free classes for those who share these passions. There is so much talent in Cumberland and the surrounding areas! Wherever you may be, I am sure your community is full of talent too! All they need is a little exposure, and a community willing to connect to them.

It's acts like these that add up, connect us to one another, and create the web of experience through our connections on local, global, and perhaps galactic levels! It's what I like to call Sacred Synergy! You can find these similar interests and connections at your local high school football field on a fall Friday night, in the heat of a discussion on a mutually loved topic, at music events and festivals, or even during the closing ceremony of the Olympics. Hello, Usain Bolt!

One thing I have definitively learned in the five years of connecting to all of you is that if we weren't afraid to talk to each other, regardless of religion, politics, sexual preference or socio-economic statis, this world would change. Many think they live in sleeping towns or cities, but when in environments of non-judgement, we all find that we all really do want the same things. To love and be loved. To feel safe and secure. To be free sentient beings. We may have different ideas about how to get there, but sleepy eyes are waking, and the fears will subside in the presence of love. Humanity is starting to recognize that we all laugh, love, and cry in the same language. We all bleed the same color.

Thank you to those have been with me in my journey...

To those that have laughed and cried with me. Who join me in common vision and challenge me in discernment, and to everyone who is out there being passionate about the things they love. To those who aren't, you are needed in your community. Do you want to make the difference in the life of a child? Foster, adopt, or become a big brother or sister. Do you care about animals? Volunteer at your local shelter or rescue. Work with other advocates to turn it No Kill. Educate people about circuses and zoos. Learn about your food sources. Buy locally grown food. Go vegan. Do you care about water? Protect it! Stand up like Standing Rock! Get involved with groups educating your section of the great web about fracking. Create and sign petitions to have fluoride removed from your water supply. If you care about human rights, find or create groups geared at coexisting in equality in whatever way that ignites your fire and moves you. Humanity needs every one of us to be actively participating in our passion! In that thought, I am so excited for the next five years, and beyond!

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