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Reclaiming Your Power Meditation

This is a three part meditation used to calm the mind, release negative energy from limiting beliefs, traumatic events, or toxic people, thus allowing you to reclaim your power. We will also create a personal affirmation or mantra to live by.

First, sit in a comfortable position, straighten your spin and allow your shoulders to roll down your back. Keep your head and neck in alignment with your spine. Now connect the thumb and the forefinger, tip to tip, in the Gyan Mudra; the other fingers are straight but relaxed. Place your hands facing down on your knees. Let your lips for an “O” shape, and begin inhaling through your mouth. Exhale through your nose. Center yourself by allowing your breath to calm and clear your mind, letting go of any distractions. (~approximately 2-3 minutes)

Next, seal your lips and begin to breath in and out through the nose. Take long deep inhales and slow exhales. Visualize a copper ring laying down in front of you, and as you breath, allow any concerns, fears, self limiting beliefs, or toxic people who you have been draining you to come forward one by one in your mind. These may be mental, emotional, or physical. As each through arises, acknowledge it, and place it in a copper ring that's laying down in front of you. On your next exhale, tell that thought “You have no power over me”, and imagine releasing this negative energy. Repeat this step for each fear based thing that you feel is holding you back.

Now call to mind one word you would like to see arrive in your life, such as peace, love, health, gratitude or abundance. Feel it vibrating throughout your body.Imagine its color surrounding you. See it in your mind, and written in your heart. Imagine this word as your affirmation, and on your next exhale, let your mantra beam out in all directions, reaching out into the infinite.

I encourage you to practice this meditation for 21 days. This is when you will truly begin to see thought patterns change, new habits forming, and the reality around you start to shift! Let me know how it works out for you! I love feedback!

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