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An Overview of the chakras

Today we are going to take a look at our chakras. I will give an overview of the chakra system and each of the seven main chakras then touch base on some “minor” chakras. Later, I will be posting more in-depth information about each of the chakras, ailments associated with closed or over-active chakras, and some tips on how you can open and balance your energetic system. Please know that this information comes from not only from research I have done, but through my experiences as a Reiki practitioner as well. If you have any information that you would like to share, please feel free to leave a comment below! Enjoy~

The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word “wheel”, and the chakra concept is featured in tantric and yogic traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism. The shakta theory, introduced to the West in 1927 by Sir John Woodroffe (known by the alias Arthur Avalon) in the book The Serpent Power, was primarily based on the translations of two Indian texts: Sat-Cakra-Nirupana and Padaka-Pancaka.

Chakras are not found in the physical body. We cannot cut someone open and find the root or any other chakra; however, these energy centers can be detected. I often check chakras before and after giving a Reiki treatment with my pendulum, but I will get into that more later! There is no consensus on the total number of chakras that we have in or around our bodies. Some believe there are as many as 340,000! Almost everyone can agree that there are 7 main chakras, starting at the base of the spine and continuing up the torso to the top of the head. These vortices of energy collaborate with the body through the endocrine and nervous systems. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the endocrine glands, and also with a specific group of nerves called a plexus. This means each chakra is linked to particular parts and functions within the body controlled by the plexus or endocrine gland associated with the chakra.

Each of the seven chakras have their own colors, correspondences, and functions. The following are short descriptions:

Chakra One: The Root Chakra is red, and located at the tailbone. It is masculine in nature, and associated with the adrenal glands. Primary characteristics include survival, security, stability, and the ability to meet one's basic needs.

Chakra Two: The Sacral Chakra is orange, and located just below the navel. It is feminine in nature, and associated with the reproduction glands. Primary characteristics include sexuality, creativity, reproduction, emotionality, and adaptability.

Chakra Three: The Solar Plexus is yellow, and located below the breast bone. It is masculine in nature, and associated with the pancreas. Primary characteristics include personal power, confidence, and mental agility.

Chakra Four: The Heart Chakra is green, and located where? You guessed it, at the heart. It has feminine qualities, and is associated with the thymus gland. Primary characteristics include loving yourself and others, compassion, kindness, and a sense of peace.

Chakra Five: The Throat Chakra is blue, and is located in the throat center. The throat chakra carries masculine qualities and is associated with the thyroid. Primary characteristics include standing and speaking your truths, expressing oneself creatively, and maintaining integrity in all areas of living.

Chakra Six: The Third Eye or Brow Chakra is indigo in color, and located above the brow, between the eyes. Feminine in nature, and associated with the pineal gland, the primary characteristics of the brow chakra include wisdom, imagination, vision, perception, and intuition.

Chakra Seven: The Crown Chakra is violet or white, located just above the crown of the head, and is associated with the pituitary gland. Since this is not a “bodily” chakra, it is unified, rather than associated with feminine or masculine aspects. The primary characteristic of the crown chakra is connection to the divine or universal life force.

There are other minor chakras including the ears (associated with clairaudience). The seat of the soul (also known as the 8th chakra) holds information about karma and past lives. There are many more chakras from various cultural traditions! I find that working with the seven main chakras is effective, and trying to give you information about the hundreds or thousands of other chakras could confuse things in an already complex subject.

As you can see, chakras are not only relative to our biological body, but also an expression of our consciousness, much in the same way our auras reflect the condition of our consciousness. They are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura, powering our physical, mental and emotional health. The Chakras are often described as "lotus flowers" or spirals of energy. They can also be perceived as a long funnel. The small end of the funnel is attached to the nerves or glands, and the wide end of the funnel reaches just outside of the body. Blockages or abnormalities can be detected with a pendulum held slightly above the body at each point.

Many people believe that the directional flow of energy differs between men and women. Like interlocking gears rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise, energy flows through the chakras from the root to the crown. For women, the root chakra spins clockwise and the sacral chakra spins counter-clockwise. For men, the root chakra spins counter-clockwise and the sacral chakra spins clockwise. This flow can be disrupted however, causing some chakras to spin at irregular speeds, to stop spinning completely, or to even spin in the opposite direction. As I go through each of the individual chakras more thoroughly, you will develop a better understanding of each energy center and how it directly relates to, and even manifests symptoms, in the physical body. I'll also give you tips to help you open and balance these energy centers. In the meantime, take some time to digest this information, and send all your questions my way. See you soon, my beautifully colored and peaceful beings!


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